Wednesday, February 6, 2008


I will say something about the video that I have posted.
It is the news from my home country, China. Basically the position of the video is
that the most important factor in American Election is money. The politic struggle is also a "money war".Examples of this are provided. For the 2008 American election, the amount of money that each candidate owns is connected to their popularity. Looking at the history of American elections, shows that the money demand is higher and higher since we have had television.
This is related and relevant to my topic, because the video is talking about the current American election. In addtion to my research on the internet, it is also a very important factor in the American Election.The reason why this is related and relevant is that the video says because the leading candidates according to the video have the most money.
Basically, I think there is a little bias in the video. The spokesman enlarges on the significance of money, and the money might be important in the politic struggle each election, but it shouldn't be the most important thing. The Republican candidate:Romney, he put a huge amount of his own money into television and print advertisement. He still lost out in the polls. The video doesn't mention this. In trying to show American Elections are unfair, the video doesn't provide all the information. it represents the Chinese view point as fence-sitters. We might be more flexible, if the new president is not good for China. Then we can say the disadvantage of election is money. If the new president is good for China, we can say that the money is very important in American elections.

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